We bid farewell to David Bowie

Goodbye David Bowie This week we bid farewell to David Bowie. I think along with many thousands of people around the world I felt a great sense of loss and a sudden sense of grief as I woke to learn that a childhood music idol David Bowie had sadly lost…

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The four types

Who am I? – Knowing the 4 types in Human Design Who am I is a question I am sure we have all found ourselves asking at some point in our life. In Human Design there are some answers and this starts with the type of person you are. In…

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Relationships – The spark when we met

Relationships – The Spark of love when we first met? Here is what was sparking Relationships can be the most rewarding and also often the most frustrating things we can experience in our lives. Have you ever suddenly become aware of feelings when you are introduced to someone that is new…

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Human Design – what can it do for me?

Russell Brand's Human Design completed by Trans4mational Change

Many have not yet heard of Human Design and even fewer know what it might be able to do for them. Recently having been asked this question again Jon put together a short article on this very subject and has had it published on the Health and Happiness web site. If…

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An amazing maze, gaining direction

Navigating through the maze of life with Trans4mational Change

The maze is a great analogy for life So why the analogy of an amazing maze and how can this help us gain direction? Some years ago I visited the National Trust gardens in Glendurgan down in Cornwall  whilst walking round their extensive gardens which are on the sides of…

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